Health & Safety
We are proud of our health and safety record and continually strive to improve our performance. We work hard to provide safe, clean and healthy environments for our staff, partners and members of the public.
Health & Safety
We are proud of our health and safety record and continually strive to improve our performance. We work hard to provide safe, clean and healthy environments for our staff, partners and members of the public.

Considerate Constructors Scheme
We are continually striving to significantly raise our operating standards to lessen the impact of our construction activities on the local community. We are members of the Considerate Constructors Scheme and have been national award winners, evidencing our performance under the Code of Considerate Practice.
In 2019 Tom Willoughby were presented with a Gold Award, which accompanies the ‘Most Considerate Company Runner Up’ for projects between £250k and £3.5 million which we received in 2018.
Each individual site is independently inspected to measure compliance within the criteria of site appearance, respect for the community, protecting the environment, securing everyone’s safety and care for the workforce.
We regularly visit local schools and colleges to raise awareness of the dangers of construction sites and involve the school children in interactive activities.

Considerate Constructors Scheme
We are continually striving to significantly raise our operating standards to lessen the impact of our construction activities on the local community. We are Partner members of the Considerate Constructors Scheme and have been national award winners, evidencing our performance under the Code of Considerate Practice.
In 2018 Tom Willoughby were awarded ‘Most Considerate Company Runner Up’ for projects between £250k and £3.5 million.
Each individual site is independently inspected to measure compliance within the criteria of site appearance, respect for the community, protecting the environment, securing everyone’s safety and care for the workforce.
We regularly visit local schools and colleges to raise awareness of the dangers of construction sites and involve the school children in interactive activities.

Health & Safety Policy Statement
The FT Construction Group is a leading privately owned construction group operating throughout Yorkshire and the North East of England. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards with particular regard to avoiding work place injuries and ill health.
We recognise that construction is one of the most dangerous industries in the UK and due to its nature it creates a high risk working environment with one of the highest rates of serious or fatal injuries.
We therefore take our duties to our employees, contractors and all others who may be affected by our work very seriously. We treat the need to prevent accidents, injuries and ill health as an ongoing business priority.
In order to achieve this commitment, we:
• Have a defined framework for setting OH&S objectives and targets which are set annually by the Management Team at IMS Management Review Meeting and communicated to all relevant interested parties.
• Are committed to fulfilling all relevant compliance obligations.
• Are committed to eliminating hazards and reducing Occupational Health and Safety risks.
• Are committed to continual improvement and enhancement of our OH&S system in line with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 achieved through regular monitoring, auditing and review of our OH&S performance.
• Are committed to regular consultation and participation of workers.
The company will achieve this through:
• Striving for excellence in occupational health and safety. This will be achieved by seeking to continually improve the company occupational health and safety management system, safety performance and safety culture by implementing the latest guidelines and embracing the latest technology.
• Preventing accidental injuries and ill health by making suitable assessments and implementing appropriate control measures so that any identified residual risk results in a level that is considered ‘as low as reasonably practicable’.
• Ensuring health and safety roles and responsibilities of all employees are understood.
• Complying with all health and safety legislative and regulatory requirements applicable to our activities.
• Setting health and safety objectives annually and by reviewing progress towards these at HSEQ management review meeting with input from the management team.
• To consult with employees on matters affecting their health and safety and encourage active consultation and participation to maintain and improve standards.
• Providing and maintaining safe and healthy premises in line with legislative requirements, company and client required standards and expectations.
• Ensuring employees are sufficiently competent to complete their tasks by providing information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure a safe and healthy working environment is maintained.
• Managing contractors/subcontractors and ensuring they are suitably competent to complete any planned tasks as well as manage all the health and safety aspects of their activities.
• Monitoring health and safety standards by completing regular audits/inspections.
• To suitably investigate accidents, near misses and cases of work related ill health in order to prevent any reoccurrence and strive to improve the occupational health and safety performance for the business.
• To review and revise this policy as required. As a minimum this will be completed every 12 months.
The HSEQ Manager will coordinate the development and implementation of the OH&S management system in accordance with ISO 45001:2018. The HSEQ Director will ensure that compliance with the system is monitored and its effectiveness audited.
The Policy is maintained as documented information and is used for promoting and communicating OH&S awareness to employees and is made available to interested parties on the company website.
Mr. P. Blades: HSEQ Director

Tom Willoughby is registered with Constructionline, the UK’s largest register of Qualified Construction Contractors and Consultants. This demonstrates that we have reached the required technical, managerial and financial standards for work in the public sector. Registration Nº 154

ISO 9001
We operate to a fully Integrated Management System comprising of A Quality Management System which is fully certified to ISO 9001.

ISO 14001
We operate to a fully Integrated Management System comprising of an Environmental Management System which is fully certified to ISO 14001.

ISO 45001
We operate to a fully Integrated Management System comprising of a Health and Safety Management System which is fully certified to ISO 45001.