Tom Willoughby News

Tom Willoughby News

RAF Boulmer Project Completion

RAF Boulmer Project Completion

Tom Willoughby Ltd recently completed work on the RAF Boulmer Plant Room. The plant rooms serving the Sergeants Mess and an accommodation block..

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2020 CCS Gold Award Winners

2020 CCS Gold Award Winners

We’ve only gone and done it again! Tom Willoughby are proud to announce that we’ve won another GOLD Considerate Constructors Scheme award for 2020.

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2020 FT Group Charities

2020 FT Group Charities

Following on from our AMAZING fundraising success over the last two years where we managed to raise a staggering £10k we are pleased to announce

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FT Group Raises £10K+

FT Group Raises £10K+

Is there anything better than helping a charity, especially when it’s one that helps try to beat a terrible disease like prostate cancer?

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Charity Dinner Event

Charity Dinner Event

Our office at Catterick Garrison were joined by members of the FT Group, whilst we supported JH Mechanicals wonderful Black Tie Dinner…

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Operation Nightingale

Operation Nightingale

Tom Willoughby were involved in something a little out of the ordinary, when we were asked to manage a two week project recently in Catterick.

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CCS Award Winners

CCS Award Winners

We were delighted to be informed that the company was one of the highest scoring companies of all those registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme

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Copyright Tom Willoughby Ltd

Standard Way, Northallerton, N Yorks, DL6 2XE  
Reg: 703979


Standard Way, Northallerton, N Yorks, DL6 2XE  Reg: 703979

Copyright Tom Willoughby Ltd